Author name: Web Admin

Cyclone Harold – April 2020

On the 6th of April Cyclone Harold stuck the largest Island of Vanuatu, Santo. It hit the town of Luganville Monday morning as a Category 5 cyclone. Extensive damage has been caused to the homes of the Bro and Sis who live on the Island of Santo and Malekula. Gardens have been damaged, Electricity and Running water are also no longer available and debris has been blown all over the town. Obtaining clean water and food is the priority at this time. No lives of the Bro and Sis have been lost and we can thank our God for watching over them.

Cyclone Harold – April 2020

2019 Update from Japan

A highlight of this last year was the first study weekend in the Japanese language, held in Nagoya in November 2018. Studies were led by Brethren Peter Evans (Tokyo), Jonathan Prins (Fukuoka) and Andrew Culver (Simi Hills). The studies were well supported by international brothers and sisters and those locally

2019 Update from Japan

2019 Update for Mongolia

Since last year’s report Sis Oyuna has found employment in Israel leaving her natural brother, Bro Puuje, as the sole member currently in Mongolia. There were no ACBM fieldworker visits during the 2018-19 year. However Bro Andy and Sis Mona Turner from Harrogate Ecclesia UK and former members in Mongolia,

2019 Update for Mongolia

2019 Update for Taiwan

The ACBM, per medium of Skype, continues to provide exhortations for Memorial Meetings each Sunday, a Bible Class on Thursday evenings and a First Principles class on Sunday evenings. The Bible class is run by a group of Chinese brethren in Australia and links up with many throughout China. It

2019 Update for Taiwan

2019 Update for Papua New Guinea & Bougainville

PNG is called ‘the land of the unexpected’. Irregular transport, an ineffective communication system, local political pressures and issues of personal safety, have made visits to Bougainville impossible over the last 12 months. The brethren have asked that the ACBM keep out of Bougainville until after the forthcoming referendum for

2019 Update for Papua New Guinea & Bougainville

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