Southern Asia

July eNews – India

India is the most populated country on earth. We have over 2,500 brothers and sisters in 105 ecclesias, and rejoice over 60 baptisms in the past year. There has been a recent national election in India. By God’s grace, the BJP Hindu Nationalist Party did not achieve the expected sweeping

July eNews – India

Sri Lanka visit

Two of our regular fieldworkers have recently returned from Sri Lanka and experienced many delightful developments within the Faith. The Watalla Ecclesia is a particularly delightful meeting to visit. They have been visiting Sri Lanka regularly as Field Workers since 2001. Attached is several photos from their visit to the

Sri Lanka visit

News from Sri Lanka

Like all parts of the Mission areas, Sri Lanka has had many ups and downs in recent years. The WA Committee has been very pleased with many baptisms in recent months. These have been Contacts instructed by the Sri Lankan Brothers and Sisters. We maintain regular visits to support the

News from Sri Lanka

ACBM eNews August 2023

Whether we live in India, Australia, New Zealand, or any part of God’s world, we will have worries and problems in our daily life. Those without problems are in the grave. What a joy, therefore, for our brothers and sisters in India to come together again for Bible Camps. This

ACBM eNews August 2023

eNews September ’21 – India

India is a vast country with a population of nearly 1.4 billion. There are also many local and tribal languages. This, of course, makes for challenges in preaching the Gospel. However the number and location of Christadelphians in India has increased. There are now 2,250 brothers and sisters in nearly 100 ecclesias in India. Of these ecclesias, only three use English for their meetings so it is now very much a local language country, just like the many ecclesias in Africa.

eNews September ’21 – India

eNews March ’21 Nepal

In the past year ecclesias in Kathmandu, have been able to continue to have fellowship within the guidelines of the Covid lockdowns and restrictions. Usually this has been in small groups and otherwise via the internet, using apps like zoom

eNews March ’21 Nepal

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