Yousafwala building project, Pakistan
This building project commenced on 26 April 2023. The opening has now taken place!
Yousafwala building project, Pakistan
This building project commenced on 26 April 2023. The opening has now taken place!
Yousafwala building project, Pakistan
Two camps were held – 17 to 21 July, and 21 to 25 July. A mix of brothers and sisters from the north and south attended each camp. Two main sessions: Pakistan won the cricket!
Punjab Family Camps 2023 – Pakistan
Overview of Area ACBM activities from the Victorian ACBM Secretary
Victoria Information Evening – Secretaries Review
Victoria Information Evening – Pakistan Activities
Victoria Information Evening – Pakistan
Report on the incredible growth of the truth in the Punjab Region.
Growth of the truth in the Punjab, Pakistan
Government COVID19 lockdowns has meant no work or food for millions of day labourers, and small businesses.
While Moslems have rallied and are supporting their own, there is little help for Christians. Already food parcels have been made up and distributed to Christadelphians, their extended families and interested friends in seven centres.
No preaching weekends are possible … just family meetings. There is a focus on daily Bible readings and generally catching up is by phone or WhatsApp communication. Regular Bible classes from Australia continue.
Despite this: on 4th May in the city of Hasilpur seven people were baptised.
Pakistan – Punjab Region Jun’20
Pakistan continues to make world news as a country that harbours terrorists and violates human rights. But inside its dark exterior, the light of the gospel continues to shine brightly as our Brothers and Sisters actively preach the gospel. Those who have visited Pakistan in the past 12 months speak of
2017 Annual Update for Pakistan
The massive earthquake which rocked northern India and Pakistan on Oct. 8 killed many thousands of people. Our brethren in north India in the province of Uttar Pradesh strongly felt the shaking, but there was no damage done to their property, nor any significant damage in their area. We are not aware that any brethren