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The History of Bible Schools in India
19 March 2008
When Bible Schools or Weeks first began in India 25 years ago it was easy to house everyone under the same roof. The first two, in 1983 and 84 were actually held in the newly built first stage of the Moinabad Home and were under the auspices of the Hyderabad ecclesia. But they began to […]
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Living in Sri Lanka
19 March 2008
Living here is a daily challenge in many ways, because the country has been torn apart by civil war for over 20 years; the tsunami of 2004 added to the desperate plight of the people. Inflation is very high; in 2007 the cost of living increased by nearly 17%; interest […]
Read MorePapa New Guinea & Bougainville Update
21 May 2007
Papua New Guinea is north of Australia close to the equator. Bougainville, one of the poorest countries of the world, is its most easterly island. After nearly eight years of war with Papua New Guinea, Bougainville now has its own autonomous government. The first brother and sister in Bougainville, Bro. Boniface & Sis. Mary […]
Read MorePakistan Earthquake
19 November 2005
The massive earthquake which rocked northern India and Pakistan on Oct. 8 killed many thousands of people. Our brethren in north India in the province of Uttar Pradesh strongly felt the shaking, but there was no damage done to their property, nor any significant damage in their area. We are not aware that any brethren […]
Read MoreA P2P Case Study – Cook Islands
19 April 2003
January 2003 The Cook Islands are fifteen individual islands in Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean. The total land mass of all islands is only approximately 250 square kilometres, yet the territory of the Cook Islands covers an area approximately the size of India. The people are Maori and the majority are members of the Cook Islands […]
Read MorePreaching to Immigrant Communities
21 December 2001
Recently it has been our privilege to visit Australia and New Zealand in the service of the CBM and to share with our brethren and sisters the news of wonderful growth which is taking place in East Africa and Malawi in particular. It was also instructive to see other ways of witnessing which are developing […]
Read MoreHow the Truth came to India
28 August 1998
The Gospel Publicity League In 1939 a zealous young brother in Sydney, Australia, together with a New Zealand convert, initiated a venture which was to assist preaching in many parts of the world, including India. Charles French and his convert Alan Gunn started the Gospel Publicity League and began publishing […]
Read MoreReview of “Into all the World”
29 March 1998
WHEN Brother Stanley Owen retired from CBM activities in 1994 we lost one of the last links with those involved in its early years. Brother Stanley had been a member of the CBM council for nearly 30 years, much of that time as secretary, and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of […]
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India – The Seed Begins to Ripen
1 May 1985
IT WAS 6 YEARS AGO last month (April 1979) that Br Tim Galbraith, newly married to Sis Sarah, moved to India to make it his adopted country, and live· in his wife’s home city of Hyderabad. They were the only Christadelphians in a country teeming with 700,000,000 people! The beginnings were […]
Read MoreBrethren Pray for Us
28 September 1975
PAUL had a wonderful sense of caring for the ecclesias. He visited them, he wrote to them, he sent messages to them by the hands of faithful disciples and, constantly, he prayed for them. He prayed for those whose faces he knew well and whose love he treasured. He prayed […]
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