Indonesia, May 2010 Update

A Day in the Mission – Solo Style

An 8.30am start, 7.30pm finish, a Memorial Meeting, 9 speakers, fraternal lunch and dinner, and a 2 hour break in the middle. All this went into the first ever Study Day conducted, on 21 February 2010, at the Solo ecclesia in Central Java, Indonesia. It was an idea developed by Indonesian brethren and conducted by Indonesian brethren (Bobby, Sulisman, Ilham, Santosa, Vendi, Sardjiman, Heru, Slamet and Kristiawan). The subjects, “Repentance and Conversion” and “Walking with God”, were extracted from an Indonesian translation of Brother Tennant’s “What the Bible Teaches” and were considered to be the most appropriate for a small ecclesia that has witnessed around 19 baptisms over the past three years. Included in those were Robby and Valent, who were baptised on 26 February.

Both are members of an active Youth Group that has expanded to over 20 members. More are under baptismal instruction, so the work in Indonesia continues to bear fruit.

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