Author name: Web Admin

Telugu Literature List

70m speakers in Andhra Pradesh, SE India.Telugu script is similar to Tamil. Bibles BIBLE : Telugu Standard Version (UBS Bangalore Hyderabad) some very old fashioned language BIBLE : Telugu New Version (IBS Madras) not much used AUDIO : Telugu Standard Version. New Testament 0083635NT1000 (UBS Bangalor) AUDIO : Telugu Genesis

Telugu Literature List

Baptisms in Dhaka

The abiding power of the Gospel call has again been evident in Bangladesh. P. and B., after much reading of scripture, discussion and meditation, were baptized in Dhaka on Sep. 22. In the very difficult economic and social circumstances of this country, their decision to enter into the household of faith has special meaning in

Baptisms in Dhaka

Pakistan Earthquake

The massive earthquake which rocked northern India and Pakistan on Oct. 8 killed many thousands of people. Our brethren in north India in the province of Uttar Pradesh strongly felt the shaking, but there was no damage done to their property, nor any significant damage in their area. We are not aware that any brethren

Pakistan Earthquake

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