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Review of “Into all the World”
29 March 1998
WHEN Brother Stanley Owen retired from CBM activities in 1994 we lost one of the last links with those involved in its early years. Brother Stanley had been a member of the CBM council for nearly 30 years, much of that time as secretary, and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of […]
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India – The Seed Begins to Ripen
1 May 1985
IT WAS 6 YEARS AGO last month (April 1979) that Br Tim Galbraith, newly married to Sis Sarah, moved to India to make it his adopted country, and liveĀ· in his wife’s home city of Hyderabad. They were the only Christadelphians in a country teeming with 700,000,000 people! The beginnings were […]
Read MoreBrethren Pray for Us
28 September 1975
PAUL had a wonderful sense of caring for the ecclesias. He visited them, he wrote to them, he sent messages to them by the hands of faithful disciples and, constantly, he prayed for them. He prayed for those whose faces he knew well and whose love he treasured. He prayed […]
Read MoreA Pastoral Letter to the Saints throughout the World
28 January 1975
To the saints throughout the world: Greetings in Christ Jesus. TIME was when travel and communications were so slow and expensive that the Truth expanded in a series of regional households, each having little personal knowledge of the members in other areas, and relying for news of these in magazines […]
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