The Solomon Islands have a population of 582,000 with English, Pidjin and local dialects being the main languages. The main religion is Christianity, which is predominantly Protestant.
Ecclesias: Honiara, Malaita island & Fote Village
ACBM activities
Work started in 1996. 4 or 5 field worker visits are made each year to conduct seminars and for pastoral support. There are four ecclesias, one in Honiara, two others within a few kilometres of each other on the island of Malaita and the fourth on the remote Reef Islands, more than 600km east of Honiara, where two brethren live.
Because the brethren and sisters are dispersed in different areas we attempt to gather them together annually at a Bible Week. A Bible School or other gathering is held annually. ‘Let the Bible Speak’ is broadcast over the national radio each Sunday night. There are about 70 undertaking the Bible Correspondence Course.
Recent Posts

March eNews – Solomon Islands Youth Conference
14 March 2024
About 50 young people gathered at Fote’ Village in Malaita Island for the 8th Solomon Islands Youth Conference from 6 to 14 January 2024. Some live in Malaita, while others came from the capital, Honiara, and one brother, Japheth Kiere, travelled from the Reef Islands, closer to Vanuatu than Honiara. […]
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Solomon Islands Update OCT 2020
14 October 2020
There was a Bible school held in Solomon Islands on Malaita Island in July 2019. The Youth conference was held in January 2020. These are very much appreciated by the local brethren & sisters as it is an opportunity for them to be able to fellowship together.
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2018 Update for the Solomon Islands
14 September 2018
The highlight of the last year was the number of baptisms which took place, increasing the number of brethren and sisters in the Solomon Islands by about 40%. The majority of those baptised are the children of brethren and sisters who have come through Sunday School, and had the benefit […]
Read MoreMini Bible Exhibition tour the Solomon Islands
14 April 2012
A mini (and very portable) Bible Exhibition made up of laminated coloured panels was recently used in five locations in Solomon Islands from the capital Honiara, to the rural provinces, even to an island where there are only walking tracks. The theme of the exhibition is God’s Plan for the Earth […]
Read MoreBaptisms at Peaceland Ecclesia
10 March 2011
Bro Alfred & Sis Nester Bro Joseph & Sis Priscilla On the island of Malaita in Solomon Islands there has been a small Ecclesia in the Village of Fote for a number of years. Three years ago Charles Dadali from a new area was baptised. Bro Charles has been tireless […]
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