News from Sri Lanka

Like all parts of the Mission areas, Sri Lanka has had many ups and downs in recent years. The WA Committee has been very pleased with many baptisms in recent months. These have been Contacts instructed by the Sri Lankan Brothers and Sisters. We maintain regular visits to support the Brothers and Sisters as they have many struggles to deal with. The economy is still very weak and our ongoing support in this regard is most helpful to many families. Bro Mario and Sis Diane have just concluded a visit to Sri Lanka, they have been many times before and are therefore skilled in providing assistance when needed. Our financial resources were recently greatly assisted by Bro Kim completing his second 1000km solo hike of the Bibbulmun Track. The funds raised while completing this hike were substantial and we are very thankful for his personal contribution in making such an effort to walk this distance over a 60-day period. The Annual Sri Lankan Bible School will be held this coming January 2024.

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