Mission Areas

Fiji update October ’21

The role of the ACBM is to support the spiritual and physical welfare of our brethren, sisters and youth through COVID-19 and beyond. Until recently the ecclesia in Fiji have been doing an amazing job of maintaining its members welfare, however they have all but exhausted their ability to do so going forward.

Fiji update October ’21

eNews September ’21 – India

India is a vast country with a population of nearly 1.4 billion. There are also many local and tribal languages. This, of course, makes for challenges in preaching the Gospel. However the number and location of Christadelphians in India has increased. There are now 2,250 brothers and sisters in nearly 100 ecclesias in India. Of these ecclesias, only three use English for their meetings so it is now very much a local language country, just like the many ecclesias in Africa.

eNews September ’21 – India

Sunday School restarts in Bayambang Philippines

The Bayambang Ecclesia in the Philippines has recently been able to restart several of their Sunday Schools due to changes in Covid-19 restrictions in their area. This picture is if students in the Bani Sunday School. Other parts of the Philippines are experiencing much higher numbers of cases and ecclesial activities can only happen online. Please remember our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world in your prayers.

Sunday School restarts in Bayambang Philippines

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