Vanuatu 2020 in Review
Vanuatu 2020 ACBM events in Review
There was a Bible school held in Solomon Islands on Malaita Island in July 2019. The Youth conference was held in January 2020. These are very much appreciated by the local brethren & sisters as it is an opportunity for them to be able to fellowship together.
Solomon Islands Update OCT 2020
The baptism of sis Carlotta, our new sister in the Dili ecclesia, last weekend.
Tonga In January this year the Mudge family from New Zealand spent time with our brethren in the Kingdom of Tonga. This was their first time in the mission fields. On arrival they were greeted by brother Dickie, himself young in Christ, who has been performing most of the teaching
There have only been 24 cases of Covid19 and there have been no new cases for sometime.
Lockdown restrictions have eased somewhat but it is still difficult for the brothers and sisters to meet together.
One group is staying at a private property outside Dili and have been growing fruit and vegetables to support themselves while work is hard to find. This has provided many opportunities for fellowship and Bible study
On the 6th of April Cyclone Harold stuck the largest Island of Vanuatu, Santo. It hit the town of Luganville Monday morning as a Category 5 cyclone. Extensive damage has been caused to the homes of the Bro and Sis who live on the Island of Santo and Malekula. Gardens have been damaged, Electricity and Running water are also no longer available and debris has been blown all over the town. Obtaining clean water and food is the priority at this time. No lives of the Bro and Sis have been lost and we can thank our God for watching over them.
PNG is called ‘the land of the unexpected’. Irregular transport, an ineffective communication system, local political pressures and issues of personal safety, have made visits to Bougainville impossible over the last 12 months. The brethren have asked that the ACBM keep out of Bougainville until after the forthcoming referendum for
2019 Update for Papua New Guinea & Bougainville
During this last year the Fijian brothers, sisters and young people have been celebrating the jubilee of the opening of their hall in Suva with many special events ,memories, youth camps, Bible camps and special preaching efforts being brought to mind. On reflection the growth of the truth in Fiji,