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Baptisms at Virtual Fraternal
6 January 2021
We were pleased to hear of the baptism of six brothers and sisters during the recent “virtual fraternal” in the Philippines. Sister Mercedes Maneclang (younger sister of sis. Florencia Bumadilla), sis. Abegail Kim Brozas (daughter of bro. Ernesto and sis. Charito, product of SS), bro. Ernesto Dela Cruz (younger brother of sis. Florencia Bumadilla), sis. Aubrey Mallari (youngest daughter of bro Andy and product of SS), sis. Maritess Baloto (mother of sis Jessica), John Mino Daracan (son of bro: Don and sis. Corazon, from SS of Tarlac Ecclesia)
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Bro. Kenneth and Sis. Rovi’s Baptism
6 January 2021
Bro. Kenneth and Sis. Rovi had been in search of the truth for years and have found a way to it through Christadelphian preaching and learning web sites. Afterwards, through the ACBM, they were connected to the Laguna Ecclesia where they regularly attended meetings and continued their studies. A year after they first attended a Christadelphian meeting, they confessed their faith and got baptised in the Christadelphian Faith.
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6 January 2021
Over the last two days the Philippine ecclesias have been meeting for a virtual study weekend around the theme of Acts. Most of the brothers and sisters have been able to meet at their halls and connect with other ecclesias via Zoom, like this group here at Santa Barbara. The weekend included 6 baptisms at Bugallon ecclesia and a song praise night with each ecclesia singing an item.
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First Sri Lankan Bible School
6 January 2021
First Sri Lankan Bible School Study led by Bro Renay went very well, on the necessity to plan, and to plan to build God into our lives, it just won’t happen by luck.
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