Sri Lankan ACBM Mission work began in the 1980s with brothers and sisters from Perth Yokine Ecclesia travelling to Sri Lanka and corresponding with contacts, predominantly using a Bible Correspondence Course as the means of teaching.

Since this time many members of the Perth community have travelled for preaching and pastoral care visits, most recently Bro Mario and Sis Diane Spina in October. Currently most Sri Lankan brothers and sisters reside in the western coastal region around the Colombo / Negombo area. Despite the hardships of living in an environment that has been hard hit economically due to a combination of COVID and political unrest, weekly Memorial Meetings and Sunday School remain the foundation of ecclesial life. Every December, the annual Bible School is enjoyed as a special time for fellowship and fun together around God’s word.
This year in Perth we decided to contribute to the 2024 Bible School in a new way, and commenced a “Loved Bibles” project. In November we gathered to mark pre-loved Bibles highlighting the message of salvation. Completed “Loved Bibles” will be transported over by Bro Tim and Sis Ruth Moore and gifted to Bible School participants. Some will also be provided as an ecclesial resource to use as preaching aids. We pray that the project may expand in Sri Lanka so that similar Bibles can be produced in the local languages (particularly Sinhala and Tamil) by our Sri Lankan brothers and sisters and used by them to share the Gospel message of hope to others.

ACBM Strategy Survey
The ACBM is refreshing its strategic plan for the next 5 years, God willing. As we coordinate Gospel outreach in the Asia-Pacific region on behalf of the Australian and New Zealand ecclesias, your input as a member of an ecclesia associated with the ACBM, is greatly appreciated.
We would love your feedback and insights, so please complete the survey via this link: SURVEY LINK