The South Korean Bible School, held in late August-September each year, was a wonderful success, once again. Many visited from Australia, particularly the Punchbowl Ecclesia, to support and enjoy 5 days of fellowship together.

Bro David McClure led studies on the Fugitive Years of David. These provided many helpful lessons on the value of friendship and leadership in times of adversity.
Many came from regional areas across Korea. The Bible School provides an important opportunity to share our mutual faith and encouragement in the things of our God, in a way not even contained by a different language! Our Korean brothers and sisters are blessed with musical talents used to their best potential to sing hymns, and for the musical evening. This is always an enjoyable evening of Song and Praise with many individual and combined items, including from the children. They even got an item out of the Aussies, sung in Korean – one of the many highlights. The younger children excelled in an activity which included learning and reciting Romans 12. There was robust involvement in the Table Tennis tournament, particularly from “the older would be younger” group. Competition was fierce!

Following the school, a southern tour of country areas to visit brothers and sisters extended that feeling of fellowship. This was truly appreciated as we learned and shared the circumstances in which faith is being lived and expressed in isolation.