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Tonga Update Early 2020
13 July 2020
Tonga In January this year the Mudge family from New Zealand spent time with our brethren in the Kingdom of Tonga. This was their first time in the mission fields. On arrival they were greeted by brother Dickie, himself young in Christ, who has been performing most of the teaching […]
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Timor Update Jun’20
17 June 2020
There have only been 24 cases of Covid19 and there have been no new cases for sometime. Lockdown restrictions have eased somewhat but it is still difficult for the brothers and sisters to meet together. One group is staying at a private property outside Dili and have been growing fruit and vegetables to support themselves while work is hard to find. This has provided many opportunities for fellowship and Bible study
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Philippines Update Jun’20
17 June 2020
The brothers and sisters in the Mayantok Ecclesia in the central Philippines mostly work as construction labourers in other parts of the country. Sadly many of them are unable to work at the present time and one brother had to walk over 100km to get home. They have been using their time at home to spend time reading and sharing with others in the village.
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Pakistan – Punjab Region Jun’20
17 June 2020
Government COVID19 lockdowns has meant no work or food for millions of day labourers, and small businesses. While Moslems have rallied and are supporting their own, there is little help for Christians. Already food parcels have been made up and distributed to Christadelphians, their extended families and interested friends in seven centres. No preaching weekends are possible ... just family meetings. There is a focus on daily Bible readings and generally catching up is by phone or WhatsApp communication. Regular Bible classes from Australia continue. Despite this: on 4th May in the city of Hasilpur seven people were baptised.
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Thailand May’20
4 May 2020
Our brothers and sisters in Thailand and Myanmar have certainly been impacted, enduring the same fears and uncertainty and the same drastic, government antiviral measures as many others on this febrile planet of ours. In Chiang Mai, the Bible Education Centre was vacated in the middle of March as fieldworkers made a premature return to Australia.
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Philippines May’20 Update: Covid19 in Philippines
4 May 2020
COVID19 has raised challenges for our Brethren and Sisters.
- Tighter restrictions are in place than in Aus/NZ making it hard for Ecclesia to gain encouragement by meeting.
- Many either lack the technology or good internet connection which has allowed Aus/NZ Ecclesias to continue to communicate under restrictions
- Many members haven't been able to work and therefore had no pay to support their families.
- Sunday School prizegivings would normally held around this time, and cannot be run.
- End of years Family Fraternals (Bible Schools), which is held in Dec. and alternated with the youth conference will be challenging. Read More

Cyclone Harold – April 2020
10 April 2020
On the 6th of April Cyclone Harold stuck the largest Island of Vanuatu, Santo. It hit the town of Luganville Monday morning as a Category 5 cyclone. Extensive damage has been caused to the homes of the Bro and Sis who live on the Island of Santo and Malekula. Gardens have been damaged, Electricity and Running water are also no longer available and debris has been blown all over the town. Obtaining clean water and food is the priority at this time. No lives of the Bro and Sis have been lost and we can thank our God for watching over them.
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2019 Update for Cambodia
23 September 2019
By God’s blessing we have continued to have an active and exciting presence in Cambodia for the last year. We are blessed to still have 4 main centers of activity, Siem Reap in the far North, Phnom Penh in the center along with Kampong Speu and Sihanoukville in the South. […]
Read More2019 Update for the Philippines
23 September 2019
The very first thing to acknowledge is the wonderful support from many ecclesias in NSW and the Sydney CYC for their very generous financial donations for the work in the Philippines. The highlights during this past year were two Family Fraternals (just like Bible Schools), one held in Mindanao (Northern […]
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2019 Update from Singapore
23 September 2019
The 2019 Singapore Annual Study Weekend was held over the Easter holiday (19-21 April). We were blessed to have Bro David Budiman from Indonesia (Jakarta) lead 5 studies to the theme “Does It Matter What We Believe”. In addition to Bro David & Sis Taneke, we also welcomed a number […]
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