Cambodia has a population of 15 million, the majority of whom are of Khmer origin (90%) and speaking the Khmer language. 95% of the population are Buddhist. Cambodia has a rapidly expanding economy with economic growth averaging 6 percent for the last 10 years.
The main body of Christadelphians live in the capital city, Phnom Penh. There are two other ecclesias at Sihanoukville and in the North of the country (the ‘Northern Ecclesia’). There are a number of brethren and sisters who live in the provincial towns and villages who need regular visits.
We always are in need for more field workers in Cambodia. We have many students waiting for lessons. Please consider a stay, if you can, to further God’s great and exciting work happening in Cambodia (September 2019).
ACBM activities
Work commenced in 1996.
Cambodia Bible School is held in late December each year which brings many visitors from Australia, Vietnam and beyond.
There are also small provincial ecclesias which are still in their infancy and in need of support by way of regular visits from both local brothers and sisters and also visitors from overseas to encourage and support them in the activities they do. One of which is the Sunday schools which are run in Siem Riep, Kampong Speu and Sihanoukville with up to 100 students attending at each!
In Siem Reap, plans are underway for the construction of an ecclesial hall and bible education center by the Siem Reap hall project team. Land has already been purchased for this purpose.
In Kampong Speu there were 5 baptisms at the Christadelphian Cambodia Sustainability Project (CSP) this year. The project is also used as a base for Gospel extension and charity works in a very poor rural community. Fieldworkers go to the CSP to preach and meet with the small ecclesia there.
More Information
Phnom Penh
Accommodation is available for ACBM fieldworkers
Phnom Penh BEC was the first BEC established in 2006 and is the hub of activities in Cambodia. Phnom Penh is the location of the largest ecclesia in Cambodia, the Bethezer student dormitories and LCDI.
The Phnom Penh BEC is kept constantly busy with general Bible tuition, Sunday school classes, memorial meetings and ecclesial Bible classes. in 2016 weekly students varied between 85 and 135 weekly with 20 Sunday School students.
We have a large number of contacts here taking regular lessons about the bible and God’s plan for the earth. The largest ecclesia in the country is also here with regular memorial meetings and bible classes occurring at the Bec which doubles as the meeting hall.
Cambodia Bible Education Centre
Bethezer Phnom Penh DormitoryProject (PPDP)
Kampong Speu
A Sunday School was here in 2013 and is run every Sunday by brethren and sisters who travel an hour and half from Phnom Phenh. Sunday School numbers fluctuate but in 2016 most Sundays had an attendance of 70, with 150 Sunday School students arriving for lessons in the morning.
Accommodation available for ACBM fieldworkers
Sihanoukville Bible Education Centre was established in 2012. Sihanoukville BEC isn’t as busy as Phnom Penh BEC, mostly due to a higher fluctuation in fieldworkers, generally fieldworkers will spending around 3-5 hours a day teaching. Sihanoukville runs a Sunday School at the BEC as well as an additional Sunday School in a smaller city, Veal Rinh, about 40 minutes from Sihanoukville. In 2016, between the Sunday Schools there are 90 students attending, which the small ecclesia of 7 manages to run in addition to 55 students it teaches weekly and an outreach program it runs monthly with an additional 42 students.
Video of Veal Rinh Sunday School
Siem Reap
Accommodation is available for ACBM fieldworkers
Siem Reap ecclesia was formed in 2014, and was formed mainly because brothers and sisters from Phnom Penh (many who lived in the Bethezer Dormitory) had finished their study and were forced to move into rural areas to find work. in 2016 there were 10 members in the Siem Reap ecclesia, with a Sunday School of 20 and about 20 contact who attend regular lessons. A house is rented in Siem Reap which serves as a memorial meeting hall and facilitates ecclesial Bible class, Bible tuition, weekly seminars and Sunday School.
Testimonials from Local Brethren and Sisters
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