On 10 March, 2014 at the Farsi Bible School in Sri Lanka Bro Tim Galbraith and Ken and Dorothy Chalmers inaugurated the official website of The Christadelphian Refugee Guild (www.crguild.org)
The CRG has been an idea of many Refugee brethren to maximize their efforts and talents during their time of exile to connect the refugees with the brotherhood. Refugees attached with the CRG believe that its website would be an effective tool to connect the scattered brethren around the world and provide them a forum and platform to encourage one another in the true hope and equip them with a purposeful activities during their time in exile.
The CRG is grateful that Bro Tim, Bro Ken and Sister Dorothy accepted our request join our efforts and provide needful assistance. The CRG believes that more brothers and sisters would come forward to encourage us.