The 2024 Luzon CYC Study Weekend was held at the Bugallon Ecclesial Hall on a long weekend (15 to 17 June 2024). About 125 young people from 12 ecclesias in Luzon, the main northern island of the Philippines, attended the study weekend. Some young people travelled for more than 12 hours via public transport to attend.

The studies were led by Bro Julius Bumadilla based on the gospel account of Luke under the theme of “Jesus Christ – one man for all men”. The studies outlined some of the themes peculiar to Luke’s record and the relevant lessons that can be learned from them. Bro Julius was able to keep the young people engaged in his studies even though they sat through hot and humid conditions. Young Filipino brothers also gave meditation talks.

The young people were divided into four groups and each group practiced and sang with feeling an item for the Praise Night on Day 2 of the program. The same groups did one of the daily readings together on the mornings of Day 2 and 3. Question prompts were provided to aid the discussion on the reading.
On the afternoon of Day 2 the young people were transported by five jeepneys to the beach at Lingayen. The four assigned groups were given the task of making something in the sand to represent the future glory of the Kingdom. Some of the hosts were appointed to judge the best presentation in the sand. Another competition to encourage active participation was a prize for tidiest dormitory room!
At the end of a combined event in the Philippines, it is traditional for some of the brethren to give a short parting message. On this occasion, parting messages were also given by a representative of each ecclesial group of young people. All expressed their appreciation of the event and of what they had learned from the studies.

Recent improved facilities at the Bugallon Ecclesial Hall, the usual venue for Luzon CYC events, to accommodate CYC events include fabrication of about 20 double deck double beds. These were appreciated by the young people.