Virtual Bible Series

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual Bible Series (VBS) was commenced by Bugallon Ecclesia for the benefit, not only of their own ecclesia, but also for any from the Philippine brotherhood who wished to join. The Bible Studies were held on a Thursday evening and were broadcast via Zoom and Facebook. This provided an opportunity for Filipino brothers and sisters to join a midweek Bible Class who might not otherwise have had that opportunity because of isolation, travel distance, or their ecclesial circumstances. Because of these and other benefits the virtual Bible Class has been kept going.
The VBS has considered the parables of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, and the foundation teachings of the Bible. The class is now considering a chapter a night on the epistles of the Apostle Paul from Romans through to Philemon. This series of studies started in September 2022 and will go through to April 2024. The studies are led by brothers from throughout the Philippines, with a few classes led by brothers from Australia and New Zealand. Any Filipino brother or sister living outside of the Philippines is also welcome to join in the VBS.
Preaching by Bacolod Ecclesia

Bacolod Ecclesia is a small, isolated ecclesia on one of the islands of the Visayas area of central Philippines. An opportunity came up to conduct a Preaching Camp in April 2023 at Murcia, a village about one hour drive from Bacolod City. Given the interest shown, a weekly First Principles Bible class has been conducted on Friday evenings since then with the support of ACBM. We pray that God will give the increase to these ongoing efforts that they bring fruit to Him.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]