Southeast Asia

Philippines update

Bro Julius Bumadilla (Bugallon Ecclesia, Philippines) recently visited Australia with his family. While here, Julius gave an excellent presentation about the Truth in the Philippines – beginnings, details about each ecclesia, current challenges, key activities that are held, and key upcoming events. Worth a watch!

Philippines update

Baptism in Solo

The ecclesia in Solo Indonesia were pleased to welcome Bro. Jojo who was baptised at the recent Indonesian Bible School. His wife Sis. Sepi has been baptised for many years and shared her faith with him.

Baptism in Solo

New Year in Solo

Our brothers and sisters in Solo, Indonesia, enjoyed their Christmas Day get together at the hall. Christmas is a very special time for our brothers and sisters there. In a country where the majority religion is Islam, Christmas is really the only time of year when Christians can be open about their faith. Our love and prayers are with them.

New Year in Solo

Sunday School restarts in Bayambang Philippines

The Bayambang Ecclesia in the Philippines has recently been able to restart several of their Sunday Schools due to changes in Covid-19 restrictions in their area. This picture is if students in the Bani Sunday School. Other parts of the Philippines are experiencing much higher numbers of cases and ecclesial activities can only happen online. Please remember our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world in your prayers.

Sunday School restarts in Bayambang Philippines

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