Sharing the Gospel in Thailand
Sharing the Gospel in Thailand
We’re pleased to welcome our new sister Gemma who has been baptised into Christ in the Bacolod Ecclesia in the central Philippines
Politically Bangladesh has suffered a lot during the past 6 months. Earlier in 2024 a student led uprising resulted in the outlawing of anybody associated with the government that had been in power for over a decade. A number of vital governmental functions, such as the police force, were dismantled.
Some pictures from the Philippine family fraternals held in Luzon and Mindanao between December 21 and 29
A successful 2024 ACBM Bible School in Sri Lanka has just concluded. Bro Stephen Higgs led the studies. There were also several couples from Perth who also attended.
Sri Lanka ACBM Bible School 2024
On December 17 a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Vanuatu near the capital Port Villa. At least 14 people died and many were injured. Communication has been difficult since the earthquake but we understand that all the brothers and sisters are safe. We are hoping that communication will be easier
Sri Lankan ACBM Mission work began in the 1980s with brothers and sisters from Perth Yokine Ecclesia travelling to Sri Lanka and corresponding with contacts, predominantly using a Bible Correspondence Course as the means of teaching. Since this time many members of the Perth community have travelled for preaching and
Preparations are well under way for the Sri Lankan Bible School which is to be held from December 27 to 29, God willing. Our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka have been practising hymns and doing Bible Studies in preparation. In Australia a fundraising activity was recently held where brothers
Preparations for the Sri Lankan Bible School
Sis Tina is our only sister in the town of Liquica in Timor Leste. She conducts preaching activities from her home every day and is well known throughout the area for what she believes. This is the Kids Club Program she runs. She also runs activities for younger children, teaches
Timor Leste – Liquica Kids Club