What began in 2023 as a joint Singapore and Kuala Lumpur get together blossomed this year, with our Lord’s blessing, into something amazing.
Brothers, sisters, young people, and interested friends from Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Myanmar, and Indonesia – as well as from as far afield as Australia, UK, and Canada – all descended on picturesque Georgetown, Penang (Malaysia) for a Fellowship and Study Long Weekend from 9 to 11 August 2024.

The fellowship weekend was jointly organised by Singapore and Kuala Lumpur brothers and sisters, and received generous support and sponsorship without which the weekend would not have been possible. Several brothers and sisters from surrounding countries were only able to attend due to the financial subsidies, visa sponsorships, and logistical support generously provided.
Bro David Edwards (Victoria) led a series of revealing and inspiring studies on the theme of “Principles of Preaching – The Old Testament, Jesus, and the Apostles”. The studies were complemented further by a participant survey and by a practical discussion session on preaching led by Bro Steven Dodson (NSW). Hearing of the preaching challenges and successes of those living in less secure environments was an eye-opening inspiration for many of us.
A combined event like this was a unique experience for many of our Asian brothers and sisters, providing the first opportunity to be able to meet with so many different brothers and sisters together in one place and experience both the global nature of our faith and the amazing fellowship.

Based on the positive response and strong support received, it is planned to repeat and build on the success of this event in 2025, God willing. After making so many new friends, it would be wonderful to see them all again, either next year in Penang or in the Kingdom of our returned Lord.