ACBM May Bulletin, 2012

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The December 2011 Youth Conference, was a wonderful opportunity for hundreds of the vibrant, energetic and enthusiastic young people to get together. Always quick with a smile, they made sure everyone felt welcome. Their enthusiasm, and spiritual yearning was a huge lesson in itself; and a real motivator for finding pleasure and contentment in God’s word.

Attendance at the Youth conference is a unique opportunity; particularly for those who live in isolation, as it is often the only opportunity that they get to share fellowship with such a large group of young people.

Some travel up to three days to attend, and this is only made possible by the generous financial support of the ACBM, via the donations gratefully received from the Australian brotherhood.

The huge amount of work and preparation for the conference was readily apparent, from the carefully prepared hymn booklets, to the months of rehearsing for the plays, to the planning and continuous effort required to self cater for the hundreds of attendees.

Brother Daniel Jolly expounded the life of Mary, the faithful mother of Jesus. Mary’s example encouraged all to search the scriptures daily, to develop Bible knowledge and to have faith in God. Breaking into small discussion groups enabled animated and excited sharing of thoughts and ideas. Every Morning and evening, sessions on the Judges presented by some of the younger brethren, were designed to offer practical advice and encouragement for following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. One evening session was a song and praise night, and on another evening, the Bayambang youth preformed a play that aimed to highlight the difficulties of living in the modern era. It encouraged the value and support of friendships in the ecclesia, the importance of a modest lifestyle and good conscience in a morally corrupt society. Fellowship was also experienced through friendly sport and resourceful competitions in the afternoons. The conference culminated in the joyous occasion of eight baptisms on the final Sunday. The new brothers and sisters were welcomed into fellowship with the world-wide ecclesia at the memorial meeting.

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