ACBM 2016: The Year in Review

Dear Brothers and Sisters, fellow helpers in the work of the gospel.

The Asia-Pacific Christadelphian Bible Mission is pleased to commend this annual report for 2015 – 2016 to you. It seeks to provide an overview of its labours to the glory of our God in His vineyard.

The commission to the Lord’s servants in the parable of Luke 19:13 who’d each received a pound, was to occupy, engage in business, trade, work until he returned. With the conclusion of another year thanks be to our God, it is pleasing to report that the work of the Asia-Pacific Christadelphian Bible Mission continues apace.

The 2015-16 year has witnessed the wonderful blessing of further baptisms in many areas. It has also seen the struggle of brothers and sisters grappling with the aftermath of typhoons, earthquakes, drought, floods, displacement, unsympathetic authorities, imprisonment and personal issues.

Sadly too there have been losses. Some have stopped attending, some have fallen asleep, some have faced illness and hardship but through it all the Lord’s work goes forward.

With the very generous support of brothers and sisters across Australia and New Zealand and from abroad the Mission has been able to be supportive of the needs of our brothers and sisters in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Area Teams and Fieldworkers have responded readily with material support being provided through urgent visits as well as with the provision of food and clean water. This has been followed up with assistance to rebuild houses and to replant much needed food crops.

During the two year period up until 31st July 2016 the Mission has been able to provide financial assistance of some $235,000 in disaster relief. In addition $245,000 in welfare funding support has been provided for day to day needs
This past year has witnessed increasing risks from the growing threat of terrorism in mission lands both to the local brothers and sisters as well as for fieldworkers. We are thankful all have been kept safe despite the degeneration of law and order in a world becoming filled with violence and fear as the days of Noah.

The role of the Mission, in seeking to provide loving and caring brotherly support both spiritually and physically to our beloved brothers and sisters in faraway lands, continues to diversify in the face of these varying circumstances. All of this alongside of the obligation to preach “repentance and remission of sins in His name among all nations”.
None of this work would be possible apart from the overshadowing good hand of our Father in heaven, the wonderfully generous support of Australian and New Zealand brothers and sisters along with the tireless devotion of fieldworkers and the Mission’s committees.

Finally let us all please remember the work of the Mission in our prayers day by day until the fullness of the Gentiles is come in. There are other ways too in which all of us can be involved. We can support our brothers and sisters in distant lands by regular contributions ecclesially and personally. We can make ourselves available as fieldworkers or tutors (please see contact details later in this report.) There is a part in the work for each of us!

Thank you to one and all who over this past year have contributed/supported in one way or another to the Lord’s commission to occupy, trade, work until He comes. May that be soon!

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