A highlight of this last year was the first study weekend in the Japanese language, held in Nagoya in November 2018. Studies were led by Brethren Peter Evans (Tokyo), Jonathan Prins (Fukuoka) and Andrew Culver (Simi Hills). The studies were well supported by international brothers and sisters and those locally from Sapporo in the east to Fukuoka in the west. Some translation was provided into English, but the primary purpose was for the local brothers and sisters to hear the Scriptures explained in their own language.
Brothers and sisters who wish to visit the Tokyo ecclesia are best advised to email Brother Peter Evans.
The 4th Tokyo Bible Week was held from June 18th to the 23rd near Omori in Tokyo with Bro Andrew Ackerman (Thousand Oaks) as secretary and sister Jess as treasurer. Brother David Collister (Verdugo Hills) spoke on Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and Brother Jamie Scott (Cumberland) lead studies on Lot. The local brothers and sisters were encouraged by visitors from Australia, England and the USA. Bible Week attendees from overseas were privileged to move around Japan and meet with almost all brothers and sisters now residing there.
Recently contact was made with a Tongan family living in the west of the country who were not aware of Christadelphian activities in Japan. So anyone who knows someone shifting to or living in or near Tokyo should please contact Brother Peter Evans, otherwise please seek advice from the area secretary.