2018 Annual Update for Indonesia

In Indonesia, with the fourth largest population in the world, we find Christadelphian Ecclesias in the capital, Jakarta and in Solo (Surakarta) cental Java. It is predominantly a Muslim country making preaching opportunities limited.

The Solo Ecclesia is the larger body, meeting in their own hall. They are very active with a full program of memorial meetings, Bible classes, Sunday School, youth group, sisters’ class and prayer meetings.
Each June, the Mission supports a study week in Solo. The 2018 theme was Samson and Ruth. Four studies in the hall were followed by a live-in weekend in the mountains near Solo. This provided a great opportunity to encourage each other in the faith. A highlight was the attendance of ten brothers and one sister from Timor Leste.

Following this year’s Study Week the Timor Leste group, with a number of Australian visitors along with some Indonesian brothers and sisters travelled two hours by bus to break bread with Bro Tom Saliman. Bro Tom lives in isolation near Mount Merapi, an active volcano.

In January 2018, the annual Solo Study Day considered the subject of the Kingdom of God. Following breakfast together, a full day of studies was enjoyed including fellowship over meals and discussion.

While Solo ecclesia is self-sufficient in many ways, it relies heavily on the Mission’s welfare support. A senior brother who served faithfully as Recorder for many years now is in need of financial assistance with his medication. The current Recorder needs regular blood transfusions. The most recently baptised young brother needs regular medication. A brother with a young family recently required hospitalisation for an operation. So your generous support is very important for the physical and spiritual needs of our Indonesian brothers and sisters.

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