2017 Annual Update for Karnataka & Tamil Nadu

This update is from the ACBM Annual Report for 2017

There are many ecclesias across Karnataka and Tamil Nadu with up to four generations of founders asleep awaiting Jesus and the next generation actively working in the Lord. The ecclesias vary in size. The main ecclesias are in Bangalore, Maddhur and Mandya (a combined ecclesia) with smaller gatherings in Bhadravati and Vellore and a growing community near Madurai in Tamil Nadu.

Much of the preaching is done by the local brothers and sisters in the local languages with most recent baptisms coming from family and friends of the existing members. There is an annual Tamil Nadu & Karnataka Bible week in May (130 attending). There are youth activities and other special purpose gatherings.

There is also a wide range of charitable activities undertaken by local brethren and sisters with the Bible Mission and Christadelphian organisations like the Bartimaeus School for the Blind.

Bangalore ecclesia would welcome brethren and sisters to come, encourage and strengthen them in their labours. Bangalore’s central location, and comfortable fieldworker accommodation makes it an ideal base for making pastoral visits to the smaller ecclesias in the surrounding states.

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