Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are South Indian states—a culturally and linguistically distinct region comprising 20% of the population of India. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are some of the most developed regions within India with high economic growth, better education and literacy (13% higher on average) and less rural poverty. Tamil Nadu in particular has a significant Christian population, particularly in the south of the state.
Karnataka has a population of 60 million, of whom 65% speak Kannada as their native language. It is one of the more developed Indian states (ranking in the top 10), but primarily in the southern districts. Southern Karnataka (the region surrounding Bangalore and Mysore) is well developed, but elsewhere is much poorer. Only 1.8% of the population is Christian, half the national average (2.3%), and of that, the largest denominations are Church of South India and Roman Catholics.
There was about 200 attacks on established Christian churches in 2008-2009 across the state. There have been no attacks on Christadelphians.
The first baptism took place in the early 1980s, and has primarily grown between the state’s two major cities: Bangalore and Mysore. There are three major ecclesias with approximately 70-80 active members; plus children and contacts.
Christadelphian Literature in Kannada
Bangalore Ecclesia
Recording brother: Ashok Kumar, +91 98 80522380, [email protected]
The first baptism in the vicinity of Bangalore occurred in 1981. A mission office was maintained in Bangalore for approximately 25 years, closing in 2007. By this point the ecclesia had grown to 50-60 and continues to function as a hub for the preaching activities in the surrounding districts.
4 Lazar Layout, Frazer Town, Bangalore, 560 005
Accommodation available for ACBM fieldworkers
Bartimaeus School for the Blind
Maddur, Mandya & Mysore
Approx 35 members
Maddur and Mandya are towns along the road between Mysore and Bangalore. The first baptisms in this area were in the early 1980s making it one of the oldest ecclesias. The brethren and sisters travel each Sunday to meet in a hired hall in Maddur.
Bhadravathi Ecclesia
Approx 30 members, 15 children
Tamil Nadu
This state has a population of 77 million, and is one of the richest and most developed states in India. Christianity dates back 500 years, and at 6% of the population, is three times higher then the Indian average. Actual distribution is more uneven. Christians are concentrated in the southern districts, and the largest denominations are Roman Catholic and Church of South India.
A politically-contentious anti-conversion law was passed in 2002, but repealed in 2004. Open preaching can be met with hostility. in 2014 a Christadelphian youth camp was asked to leave a hire venue after the owner found out the purpose of the event. Several attacks on churches and church officials reported in 2015/16.
Approx 20 – 30 bre & sis in 5 locations.
Christadelphian Literature in Tamil
Chennai (formerly Madras)
Approx 6 – 10 members.
There are some brethren and sisters in Chennai however there is no formal ecclesia.
Ecclesia with approx 10 – 12 members.
Approx 4 – 5 members.
A small ecclesia of Christadelphians is emerging around the Edith Home of the Infirm and Elderly (managed by Agape in Action) with baptisms reported amongst staff and residents.
Edith Home for the Infirm and Elderly
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