Cook Islands

The Cook Islands comprise 15 small islands whose total land area is 240 square kilometres. The Cook Islands’ main population centres are on the island of Rarotonga (14,153 in 2006), where there is an international airport. With about 100,000 visitors travelling to the islands in the 2010–11 financial year, tourism is the country’s main industry.

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Following the death of the only Christadelphian brother in 2016 there has been nothing to report.

A P2P Case Study – Cook Islands (May, 2003)

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A P2P Case Study – Cook Islands

19 April 2003

January 2003 The Cook Islands are fifteen individual islands in Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean. The total land mass of all islands is only approximately 250 square kilometres, yet the territory of the Cook Islands covers an area approximately the size of India. The people are Maori and the majority are members of the Cook Islands […]

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