Author name: Web Admin

East Timor

We currently have a team of Filipino and Australian fieldworkers visiting East Timor. Encouraging visits between countries who share similar cultures and languages is very important. The team includes two families with children and one of the main focuses of the visit has been to support the families in the

East Timor

Sri Lanka visit

Two of our regular fieldworkers have recently returned from Sri Lanka and experienced many delightful developments within the Faith. The Watalla Ecclesia is a particularly delightful meeting to visit. They have been visiting Sri Lanka regularly as Field Workers since 2001. Attached is several photos from their visit to the

Sri Lanka visit

Travelling in Australia? Opportunity to meet brothers and sisters from other countries who are working here.

We continue to have a number of brothers from different countries who are travelling to Australia to provide much needed labour in regional areas. They sometimes find themselves close to ecclesias who appreciate their support, others work in more isolated areas and are not able to meet with others who

Travelling in Australia? Opportunity to meet brothers and sisters from other countries who are working here.

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