ACBM September Bulletin, 2011

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From small beginnings in 1969 the ACBM commenced its work of Gospel Proclamation within a country of over 230 million inhabitants – 90% Islamic. The focus of the work is in Central Java, in the ancient city known nowadays as Solo, but previously known as Surakarta. Here an Ecclesia of some 70 Brothers and Sisters cling to the promise of Hope presented by the Creator through his Gospel message. This small body of faithful Brethren stand as a beacon of light in a darkened world without hope, and the love of God’s Truth is infectious, resulting in 9 baptisms and 2 marriages over the past 12 months. An Ecclesial Study Day was conducted in January. Ninety-nine brethren and sisters, young people and friends attended; where five studies based on Bro John Marshall’s book “A Life in the Truth” was held. The theme for the July Study Week was “Gethsemane to Golgotha”. The attendees at these two events were blessed with witnessing seven more baptisms; three in January and four in July. A visit to Indonesia provides challenges and spiritual stimulation.

Are you interested in supporting a Mid Year Study Week? It needs only two weeks of your time in June 2012, plus a dedicated spirit to serve, to receive an unforgettable, joyful and spiritual experience. Interested? Email… [email protected]


Over the past 12 months our small group of 5 in Nukualofa, Tonga, has been reduced to 3 due to the relocation of Bro Manase and Sis Talitha and family to Va’ Vau, an Island group within Tonga to the north.

A number of field workers have visited Tonga to support our Brothers and Sisters and our heavenly Father has blessed us in that we now have a married couple moving to Tonga for 2 years commencing 2012, on an NZ Volunteer posting . Once again we will have permanent field workers, a mission house and van, all of which are so essential for the support and growth in this area. We are also greatly encouraged in that a former Bro and Sis would like to rejoin the Christadelphians in Tonga having left some years ago. The Tonga committee in Christchurch are currently involved in a number of initiatives both short and long term so that appropriate support can be given to our prospective temporary and permanent field workers. We thank the brotherhood for their continued support May our heavenly Father continue to bless this work.

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