Vanuatu has a population of approximately 200,000, speaking English, French, Bislama (Pidgin) and 120 Tribal languages. The main religion is Christianity.
Ecclesias: Efate, Tanna, Malekula, Emau.
ACBM activities
Since the first baptism in 1999, the numbers of brothers and sisters in Vanuatu has steadily increased. There are now brothers and sisters on the islands of Efate, Emau, Malekula, Tanna and Espiritu Santo. Much of the preaching work is conducted via a correspondence course available in both English and Bislama which is administered by local brothers and sisters. Fieldworker visits provide pastoral support and assistance with preaching activities.
History of the Truth
The ecclesia commenced in the city of Vila on the island of Efate in 1999 with the baptism of Brother Kaltos Manses. Our gospel proclamation has continued to have results with ecclesias now established in five of the islands. We were in Vanuatu for five weeks during June and July and assisted ecclesias in three of the islands.
Visits were made to the island of Santo in 2003. But it was not until 2009 when a contact who had applied for the correspondence course in our initial advertising gained a conviction that compelled him to seek baptism. Shortly after, his wife was baptised and last year we were pleased to baptise his brother and sister-in-law. Attan, the first brother in Santo, with his wife Sister Esline, live in the main centre, while Brother Charles and Sister Rael live 50 kilometres east at Shark Bay.
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ACBM March Bulletin, 2012
21 March 2012
Download a copy of this bulletin as a PDF South Korea In 1983 a Korean trader came to Australia with his “interpreter” Hyun Roe. While in Sydney, Hyun saw an advert for a prophetic lecture on the Return of Christ. After the lecture Hyun was moved to ask, “How did you learn those […]
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