Cook Islands

The Cook Islands comprise 15 small islands whose total land area is 240 square kilometres. The Cook Islands’ main population centres are on the island of Rarotonga (14,153 in 2006), where there is an international airport. With about 100,000 visitors travelling to the islands in the 2010–11 financial year, tourism is the country’s main industry. ACBM activities Following […]

Cook Islands


Laos is one of the least developed countries in the world. It has a population of 6.5 million, the majority ethnic group being the Lao people (60%). The main religions are Buddhist and traditional. Only 50% of the population speak Lao, the national language. French is still commonly used by



Malaysia has a population of 34 million. The country is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, and has a rather unique constitution that declares Islam the state religion, whilst permitting other religious groups to abide by their own religion. It has a strong record of protecting its Christian minority. The majority ethnic group are the Malays (50.4%). 61.3% of


New Caledonia

A population of 237,000, with main languages being French and local dialects. Dominant religion is Christian (Roman Catholicism specifically). ACBM activities French language skills remain a prerequisite for concerted work in these areas.

New Caledonia


Samoa is an island split into two independent territories; Samoa on the west, and American Samoa on the east. Samoa has a population of 185,000, American Samoa 65,000. Both populations speak Samoan and English. The majority religion is Christianity. No preaching has occurred in Samoa for over 7 years now since the Bible



Tonga has a population of 102,000, speaking Tongan and English. The main religion is Christianity (mainly Wesleyan). ACBM activities Work consists mainly of support for our small group of local brethren in both pastoral and preaching.  Regular visits from New Zealand and Australia support this work.


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