Author name: Web Admin

eNews March ’21 Nepal

In the past year ecclesias in Kathmandu, have been able to continue to have fellowship within the guidelines of the Covid lockdowns and restrictions. Usually this has been in small groups and otherwise via the internet, using apps like zoom

eNews March ’21 Nepal


Palau is a small isolated island nation in the Pacific, with a population of only 18,000. There is currently a brother and sister living in Palau and we have had some response to online advertising in the area. We are now running this add in the Island Times. We pray for our father’s blessing on our efforts to share the gospel in Palau and throughout the world.


Baptisms at Virtual Fraternal

We were pleased to hear of the baptism of six brothers and sisters during the recent “virtual fraternal” in the Philippines. Sister Mercedes Maneclang (younger sister of sis. Florencia Bumadilla), sis. Abegail Kim Brozas (daughter of bro. Ernesto and sis. Charito, product of SS), bro. Ernesto Dela Cruz (younger brother of sis. Florencia Bumadilla), sis. Aubrey Mallari (youngest daughter of bro Andy and product of SS), sis. Maritess Baloto (mother of sis Jessica), John Mino Daracan (son of bro: Don and sis. Corazon, from SS of Tarlac Ecclesia)

Baptisms at Virtual Fraternal

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