ACBM 2015: The Year in Review

The work of the Asia-Pacific Bible Mission continues apace. Our overseas brothers and sisters, our field workers and the many brothers and sisters involved in the support work of the ACBM have been exceptionally busy over the last twelve months. But without the support of the angels of our God nothing would have been achieved.

The Truth has taken root across the Asia-Pacific from Afghanistan in the west and Mongolia in the north to Tonga in the east. Our 4,484 brothers and sisters across this area, supported by 35 ACBM Area Teams and 200 field workers are diligently preaching the Word to the uttermost parts of the earth.

During this year we have seen 60 Bible Schools, Youth Conferences and Preaching Camps held, with some 4,000 brothers and sisters, children and interested friends attending. Almost 8,000 contacts are being supported by our brethren involving over 200 seminars/lectures, Bible Education Centres and untold individual discussions and emails, website answers and letters from our extensive team of correspondent brothers and sisters in Australia and New Zealand. The Sunday Schools network across the Asia-Pacific encompasses around 130 schools with over 3,000 students which provides a vital link to the Truth for young minds seeking the way of God.

During the year we have seen 162 come to the knowledge of the Truth and be baptised into the sin-covering name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our brothers and sisters in the Asia-Pacific are spread across 180 ecclesias mostly in rural locations with less than 100 in isolation.

Support for brothers and Sisters

We have seen two major disasters: Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu and a devastating earthquake in Nepal. There was considerable loss of material things with houses destroyed and crops lost, but with the care of our Heavenly Father no brother or sister was injured, and with the most generous support of the brothers and sisters across the world material support was provided. Our brothers and sisters across the Pacific are now facing the effects of the El NiƱo weather conditions which are producing drought conditions in many parts of the Pacific, so the surplus funds collected are being used to alleviate the loss of crops and resulting food shortage in these areas.

The physical and financial support of ecclesias and individual brothers and sisters in the extensive preaching and support network of the Bible Mission is greatly appreciated. There is much work to be done, particularly in the field in support of our overseas brothers and sisters as they travel long distances to preach, conduct Sunday School and support those in isolation.

Should you wish to assist with committee work or field work, please send an email to [email protected]. May all our work be done to the glory of our Heavenly Father.

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